Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On Sports

Amanda: "I was in the best shape of my life at the Farm School…I appreciated gaining confidence in myself playing speedball, or canoeing, or hiking Old Rag – doing things I didn't think I could do."

Jimi: "At the Farm School we had more activity – not sitting at a desk for an hour and half at a time."

Alex: "Now [at a traditional high school], by the end of the day you have to hold my legs down because I am so fidgety."

Clayton: "I thought about going to public high school in 9th grade because I am a sports fan and wanted to play sports. But then I realized that at the Farm School we get to play speedball, or soccer, or softball for about an hour every day all year, in the rain, snow, whatever. We play hard in these games. They are intense. In public school I would have to sit most of the day, then if I did play a sport it would only be for a few months, for a little bit of time after school."

(Quotes from Farm School Graduates)

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