Sunday, October 24, 2010

Toddlers and Adolescents - a magnetic attraction

Dr. Maria Montessori noted an affinity between children in the 1st plane of development (toddlers) and the 3rd plane of development (adolescents).  Toddlers and adolescents seem magnetically attracted to one another.  It is magical to observe.

Monday, October 18, 2010

How's the Water?

Mountain Laurel Montessori Farm School 9th year Biology students investigate the water quality of the school's pond.  

The students used a kick-net to collect samples of aquatic macroinvertebrates.  We found damselfly and dragonfly nymphs and even a mayfly nymph!  Mayfly nymphs will only live in very high quality water with lots of dissolved oxygen.

This aquatic study is part of a species inventory the students are undertaking of the entire property to determine the level of biological diversity of the farm.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Students Bicycle from DC to Harper's Ferry

Bicycle Odyssey
Mountain Laurel Montessori Farm School students and guides cycled from Washington, DC to Harper's Ferry on a 3 day bicycle and camping trip.  
Here's part one of the travelogue:


We love simple machines

Experiencing the power of levers at the locks

The mighty Potomac River

Taking a break to admire the geology of Great Falls
The teepee tent
I love this tent!

A peaceful evening on the river

A Volunteer Park Ranger helps us with the maps

Eggs cooked on the Coleman stove for breakfast by the culinary crew

Carrying gear 0.5 mile to the second camp site

The only hill: from the trail to the camp
Ready to go on day two